San Juan County Criminal Justice Training Authority

San Juan County Criminal Justice Training Authority (SJCCJTA) is a consortium of the city and county governments of San Juan County and the New Mexico Police, created to address the training needs of all public safety employees in the county. Employees of non-CJTA member agencies are welcome to attend our training as well, for a small tuition fee. All the participating agencies are bound by a joint powers agreement and each contributes cash, physical fitness facilities, equipment, and/or personnel to our operation.
The San Juan County Criminal Justice Training Authority (SJCCJTA) provides basic and advanced training for law enforcement officers in San Juan County (NM), Southwest Colorado, and throughout New Mexico. A cooperative effort between the San Juan County Sheriff and Cities of Aztec, Bloomfield, and Farmington, the CJTA is committed to providing professional training for all law enforcement officers whether they are just starting in the law enforcement profession or seeking professional development. In addition, the CJTA works with the local judicial system to provide Alive at 25, a diversionary program for young, first-time traffic violators. Housed on approximately 50 acres, the CJTA is one of the few facilities in New Mexico with the infrastructure on site to accommodate almost all facets of law enforcement training. This includes multiple classrooms, workout facilities, multiple firing ranges, and a driving track. These facilities are open to all law enforcement agencies to include State and Federal entities.
Lt. Owen Landdeck Training Center @ Safety City | 428 County Road 6480 | Farmington, NM 87401 | (505) 599-1556 | Fax (505) 599-1555